Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Running 10k

So happy to share that I am officially registered for a 10kilometers run August 23rd. 
Now time to train for that new objective !

How to prepare an awesome party

Since it is my birthday soon and I am throwing a big party, I though I would do a post on how to throw a good party. Here are some tips I learned through out the years. Follow these steps and you will be sure your party is gonna rock !

Step One: Pick a theme
I think themed party are the best one, because it helps you choosing decoration, food and it helps your guests choosing their outfit. When I say themed party it is not necessary Costume party, it is more like either coloured party, pool party or glam party, etc.
For my part, I already did a gossip girl party, a purple pary, a black & silver party, a Tangerine tango party and this year it is a pastel party.

Tangerine Tango Invites

Step Two: Send invites

Sending invites must be done at least three weeks before the event. Usually, with this delay, the guests can put it in their agenda and are usually free. Do not remember to send a reminder to your guests two days before the event. With my experience, send invite to a lot of people because usually 50% of them will accept and show, so if you invite 10 people, only 5 or 6 of them may come. Therefore if you want a lot of people at your party send more than less invites.
A good way to invite people is to create a private event on Facebook.


Step Three: Start Planning (To do list)

Food : Guests are always hungry and up for food, so do a list of food you want to serve during the night.  Always prepare the food in advance so you are not cooking during the party.

Music : Prepare a playlist with fun music for all taste. You can also put satelite radio or something like that. 

Decoration : A little decoration is always fun because it puts everyone in the mood for the party.
Music : Prepare a playlist with fun music for all taste. You can also put satelite radio or something like that.

Decoration Tangerine Tango Party

Alcohol : You can ask your guest to bring their alcohol but you can make a punch or shooters for the beginning of the night. It is always pleasant for your guests.

Step Four: Day of the party

Try to prepare the more you can in advance because there is always unexpected things happening the day of the event (It is Murphys Law). And you do not want to run all day and then be really tired the night of the party. 

Then enjoy yourself with your guests all night long !


My Story : Losing Weight

How I Lost Weight

Since I love training, eating clean and cooking, I though that doing a post about my journey could be interesting for all my readers.

First of all, I never really had problem with my weight. When I was young, I was always moving, I played basketball for 5 years in high school. I think I gained weight when I start to live my single/party life. Which I don’t regret, because I had such wonderful time. But sometimes you drink a lot, eat junk food, don’t workout and just don’t care. Finaly, I gained about 30 pounds in 3 years.

Now I am more steady : I work full time in the field in which I studied, I have amazing friends, family and boyfriend that I love ! I think a  good way to start losing weight is when you do it for you and not for anybody else ! You also need to do it on your own terms. There is absolutely no miracle receipe to lose weight : You need to eat healty and to work out at least 3 times a week. The first weeks are the hardest because you are not seeing a lot of change but as time goes on it is easier. 

Here’s how to stay motivated & some tips to succeed :

Motivation is something that can be either really up or really down. But that is just a weakness of our head, just talk to yourself and remember why you started.

  • Fix a realistic objective (for me it was 30 pounds and I knew it would take time)
  • Then fix you smaller objectives like 1 pound per week or by my birthday I would like to have lost 10 pounds etc.
  • At the beginning, write a list of reasons why you are doing this (And read it when you are feeling unmotivated). 
  • Make a list of benefits you have since you have started to loose weight
  • Keeping track of your results and progress (I used an Excel sheet, I weighted myself every week and wrote down my loss or gain. Because yes, sometime you will stay the same or gain weight, do not panic just be more focus the week after.)
  • Take picture of your progress (I used to take picture at every 10 pounds loss)
  • Prepare your meal (Always prepare your food a week or at least a day ahead, so you can cook in advance your meal and be sure to eat healthy)
  • Schedule your training like it was an appointement and NEVER skip. If you start finding excuses you will never go. Remember that we all have our downs, but a good training is what you need to pump you up ! Also do not forget to prepare your gym clothes in advance.
  • It is not a race, go at your rythm. It is important to know that a healthy weight lost is about 1 pound a week.
  • For the training : Always mix cardio and muscular excercises. Muscular is important because it help burns calories when you are at rest.
  • Do not overtrained
  • It is normal for a week or two or even three to stop loosing weight. When it happens, a tip is to change your training routine. After one month of the same training, your body is getting use to it, so you need to change it either by increase your weight at the gym and your cardio routine.
  • Limit your consomation of alchool, sugar, fat and restaurants.
  • Cooking is the best way to know what you are eating.
  • Remember that it is not a diet but a lifestyle change
  • Drink Water & Green Tea
  • Stay focus, weekend are the most important

My Transformation

Here is my transformation after my 30 pounds loss. I started in August and realise my objective in April, it took me 8 months of eating healthy and training at least 3 times a week. One of my next post will be tips on how to not gain the weight you lost. But remember, it is not a diet it is a lifestyle change!

Feel free to ask me questions !


Friday, May 24, 2013

Friday Top 5: Training Favourite

Each friday, I want to present a Top 5 

On really any subject that goes through my mind.

My first top 5 is my favourite training gear !

When you are trainning, you want to be confortable in your workout clothes and shoes. Because the worst thing is thinking about always holding our pants so they wont fall, being hurt in our running shoes, being too tight or too loose in our clothes. 

So here it is: My top 5 !

1-Asics Running Shoes

Do you know that depending on how often you run (3-4 times a week) you should change them every 6 months. 

2- Under Armour Cap

This one is the best for running outside when it is sunny and hot. 

3- Compression Tights Under Armour

For a run, these pants are the best. They stay in place and keep you either warm or cold depending on the temperature. Advice: Do not put them in the dryer, it breaks the fabric. 

4- Lululemon bra : Support Check

This bras is one of the best sports bra I tried. It is comfy and really supportive. 


5- Nike Running Compression Shorts

For hot days, the best shorts to run in are de Nike running compression shorts.They stay still and breathe a lot.


One of my new favourite website I discovered on LaurenConrad’s website (http://laurenconrad.com/ ) is Ellie (http://www.ellie.com) go check for awesome trainning gear.

What are your favourite training clothes ? Tell me about it in a comment below !


Thursday, May 23, 2013

About Me

Hi everyone, first of all, I want to thank you for visiting my blog.

This is me 

My name is Sarah, I am 23 years old and I am living in Quebec city, Canada. I am currently working full time A.K.A being a grown up (which I do not realise sometimes because I still do child things hihi). I studied in administration in the logistics field, yeah I know for a lot of you it sounds booooring ! But I really love my job !

I have an amazing family & friends 
At my birthday party last year

With my brother & Mom 

With my sister (left) and sister-in-law

Last but not least, my daddy (We are Pats Fan )

Dream Smile Kiss is a blog about a lot of things; fashion, training, cooking, love, advices, decoration, etc. It was named like this because I think that the most important things in life are free. Sometimes people don’t realise that money doesn’t buy hapiness. It’s important to live life at it’s fullest with no fear and to realise our dreams.
I decided to write a blog to inspire others, to give ideas and to share my passion.

I love fashion

I love being classy 

I love trainning 

I love cooking 

I love decoration 

And most of all I love life !

Enjoy and feel free to contact me.



Wednesday, May 22, 2013

First Post : In Honour of my mother

Brunch for mothers’ day

Last Sunday we had a brunch at my parents house to celebrate mothers’ day.  I woke up at 7h00 to start preparing all the food for my family. With the help of my dad we made a freaking tasty and good looking brunch. But for me doing this for my mother is just natural, she did more than that since I was born.

My mom has always been there for me and I want to thank her more often, she is the best and I should be grateful we have such a good relation. And even if we have our ups and downs I am very happy that she is part of my life.
We should all appreciate time with our mother because some of us would do anything to have her back !

Here is a sneak peak of the brunch I prepare with my father on mother's day:

Yogourt & Cereals


 French Toast in maple syrup shoots

Overview of the brunch

 Potatoes in small casserole

 Before our dessert : Chocolate Fondue
 After our dessert 

Tell her you love her more often ;) And show it !
