Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Changing your lifestyle

Hello !!!!

I just realize that it is has been up to a year since I decided to change my lifestyle. Adopting a healthy lifestyle really change my life a lot ! Here' how :

Improving Health 

I don't know if you watch some weight loss programs on TV but these increase motivation a lot. You can see how overweight people can do severe damage to their body: bad cholestorol, high blood pressure, sleeping problems, nearly to death. Being not healthy is really bad for your body & your life expectancy.
It is now time to change your lifestyle : Your body is the only one you have, and you will have it all your life and you need to take care of it.

Since I started to take care of my body by eating clean and train, my health got really better. For example: I was always sick during winter ; cold, flu. And over the last year I wasn't sick at all. You are what you eat so I realized that when I eat crap, I feel like crap. And when I eat good, I feel good. And I decided I want to feel good most of the time.
I also saw a difference because I train a lot: I am more in shape, I have more energy and I feel better. When I  run only 30 minutes, it gets me a lot of energy and hapiness. Seriously when I train I have a better mood, ask my boyfriend ;)

*But remember: you need to be focus most of the time but you can let it loose for a night !

Improving self confidence

Self confidence reflects on your every day life ! If you feel confident you will act differently with yourself but with others too. Being proud of yourself and your body is a really big step when you are trying to loose weight. But it is such as an amazing feeling : I will remember when I lost my 30 pounds last April, I went shopping and I was trying jeans (Before I hated to try pants) and I felt SOOOO GOOD :) I dropped 4 sizes, i didn't have a muffin top anymore. Seriously it was a great feeling ! So changing your lifestyle affect your everyday life especially when you dress every morning and you feel good !

Improving Organization

When you eat healthy, you need to do your food ! And to do all your meal plans you need to be organize. In addition when you have a budget you need to be REALLY organize. Planning your meal with the weekly special of your grocery store require big planification !  But being organize is really fun, I mean do not overorganize everything, but at least your meals and it will help you loose weight or keeping your weight loss.

Did you notice change since you change you lifestyle ?


Friday, August 23, 2013

Weight Lifting for dummies

Hi everyone, 

I hope you all had a good weekend ! 

Today I want to talk about training, but more about weight lifting. I am not an expert, I didn't study in that field and I am not a fitness competitor. But, I tried a lot of different exercises and started to enjoy weight lifting. This is not a post for expert in weight lifting but mostly tips for the people out there who are afraid to go in that gym section. 

When I started to train regularly last year, the part I enjoyed the most during my training was my cardio. I knew weight lifting was really good for my body but I prefered running or stairs climbing. I tought the more my heart rate is high and the more calories I burned during my session, the more I will loose weight. 

One year later, I have a much different opinion and here is why: when your muscle start growing you can easily see your progress. I became much stronger and as the weeks passed by I took heavier weight. Also the principle with working on your muscles, is that you burn calories while doing it but you also burn calories during your rest day. 

You can at first be afraid by the weight lifting section because there is a lot of guys and you might don't know a lot of exercises. Go check on the internet, there is a lot of options on line and even complete programs :
Click here or here for ideas ! 

So to maximize your workout, always combine cardio and muscular, this is the best way to loose weight and be in shape !!! 

Here a good website to learn more about training, fitness and receipes: 

You can also find a lot of things on Pinterest. Here is my pinterest go check my Food & Motivation/ Training boards. 

Can wait to hear about your training !


Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Boston Trip

Hi all,

here are some pictures of my trip in Boston City.

Hope you had great vaca !

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Thursday, August 8, 2013

Vacations Over !

Hi everyone, 

I am so sorry for the lack of post I was on vacations and I decided to turn off everything:
My job emails, my phone, my blog ! I really wanted to disconnect of reality and I enjoy every second of it :)
And now I am back with good news, energy and a lot of ideas !

First of all : Me and my boyfriend bought our first house :) So we have been really busy buying stuff for the house ! I am so excited I am moving in September 15th ! So the countdown is started : One month left !
It is a little bit tough leaving my parents house because I love them so much and I was really well treated but I think it is time for my to fly with my own wings and I can't wait to start this journey with the love of my life :)

During my vacations, I have been vistiting Boston with my boyfriend and my parents. I have been furniture shopping, I went horseback ridding, I went to a water park with my godson, partying, relaxing, tanning, training ! 

So I have been thinking a lot during my time off for blog post and I can't wait to share it with you : Stay Tuned ;)
Here are some pictures I took during my vacations , enjoy !

Girls Night Out :)

 Partying with my friends

 Focusing on my race August 23rd 

 Horseback riding 

Dinner in Boston with my love !

What have you been doing this summer ?
