Friday, January 17, 2014

New Year, New Start

Hi everyone,

so it is January and I know that everyone have on their resolutions list for this year :

Go to the gym or
Train more Or
Get back in shape or
loose an amount of pounds or
Start a sport (ex: running) etc.

It doesn't matter what you want to achieve I think that putting it on your to do list is a good step forward. Sincerly, it is the best gift you can do to yourself. You only have one life, why not enjoy the most of it.

I want to help you be motivated to accomplish your resolution and I really hope it will become more than a resolution, that it will be a new lifestyle.

After I lost my weight last year, I was kind of ''bored'' to go to the gym 3-4 times a week, and I want to help you also with that.

So the next few posts will be on these subjects but for now you can go read my post on Weight Lifting for dummies & Changing Your Lifestyle & How to stay motivated it will guide you for starting your resolution and give you a lot of my tips.

My transformation

Enjoy !
If you have any questions, feel free to ask !

1 comment:

  1. Hi Sarah! Your transformation is inspiring. I love to work out and eat well. I am a nutrition major studying to become a registered dietitian, so these kinds of blogs are right up my ally! I look forward to reading your blog!

    xoxo, Cristen
